Wednesday, 29 October 2008

It's Been A While

After receiving many emails from many outraged && impatient readers of this blog, (Ok, it's just the blog's one faithful reader: Michael) I have decided to update.

Holland, as usual, was great. I met new people, talked to old 'friends' && generally had fun. I'm sure the Dutchies love me...(They just manage to hide it particularly well at times).

Moved into our new Uni house. It's in the middle of Mini Pakistan && to be honest, I think it's great! It's freezing because we're students && we're too cheap to turn the central heating on yet, but apart from that, it's all good. I've never been part of a 'Multi-Cultural Society' before, but I guess it's ok. It's a complete culture shock when moving from Guisborough, but I haven't been forced to convert to Muslimism or join a Hareem as yet. (I see these as positive points).

I have decided that Waterstones is the 'Shop of the Devil'. I apologise Michael, but they represent everything that is going wrong in the world. (As well as a book-selling establishment can). I can't quite put my finger on what I blame them for, but I just know the downfall of society is centered on them.

Uni is as good as I remembered it to be! I love being here! (I don't love Mark Dooley (slowly learning to appreciate him), 'Thinking About Representation' presentations (although I can talk about 'Memoirs Of A Geisha' which should be loads of fun) && certain annoying class-mates...Not to mention the incoherent ramblings of Dave Taylor) However, simply being within a 2 mile radius of the living legend that is Cris Yelland, is enough to cheer anyone up.

After failing my first Driving Theory Test by 1 point...ONE POINT!!! I Managed to pass last week, so I'm one step closer to unadulterated freedom (although I'm thinking of swapping it all for a motorbike...) Wish me luck for my test in December (Note to self: book Driving Test).

I got told that my writing on Myspace was poignant, which I've taken as a huge compliment && has made me all the more determined to do something with my writing (whether or not talent is present).

Current obsessions include:
Hell's Angels && Harley Davidson Bikes (&& 'Sons Of Anarchy),
The Geisha of Japan,
Barack Obama,
Katey Sagal.

Your thoughts on these obsessions are welcome (unless they are negatory, in which case, I won't be reading them. However, freedom of speech is allowed here).

The Girl With The Broken Smile is always there; haunting you. Taunting you with half forgotten memories of a changed heart. You thought she had been dismissed, but it looks as though you cannot escape. She has attached herself to the sea of depression you feel is always lurking, just beneath the surface. A sort of "Stockholm Syndrome" begins to take place, before you wake up from this nightmare && find yourself in another nightmare. Except that this time, you realise that it's your reality. && the Girl With The Broken Smile isn't some tragic figment of your imagination. She is you...